IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

1981: Up and running !

Logo IRSST 1980

The activities of the IRSST, the first OHS research centre in Canada, got under way in the early months of 1981. For the chairman of the Board of Directors, Judge Robert Sauvé, this signalled an extremely significant step in the major reform launched in Québec with the adoption of the AOHS, a reform as important as the radical social transformations that took place in the 1960s and 1970s in the fields of education and social affairs.


Essential services

Given the pressing needs at hand, the laboratories introduced industrial hygiene-toxicology and analytical support services right from the start of the year to ensure they could offer the essential services required by the entire CSST network.


Jean Yves Savoie, directeur des services et expertises de laboratoire, 1981 - 1985
Full Interview

External research

The Institute launched three important programs:

  • The Programme de financement d’équipes associées de recherche (funding program for associated research teams). The status of “associated team” was given to groups of university researchers to whom the Institute entrusted specific mandates owing to their particular skill sets.
  • The Programme de la recherche subventionnée (funded research program). In addition to its role as a research centre, the Institute became a funding agency with this program.
  • The Programme de bourses pour la formation de chercheurs (researcher training scholarship program). This program was instituted to close the gap between the need for and number of researchers active in the OHS field.


Yves Martin, recteur de l'Université de Sherbrooke, 1975 – 1981; directeur général de l’IRSST, 1981-1984
Full Interview

Woman at Work – Research program


Yves Martin, recteur de l'Université de Sherbrooke, 1975 – 1981; directeur général de l’IRSST, 1981-1984
Full Interview

Robert Sauvé

Robert Sauvé

Laboratories in demand

During its first year of operation, the IRSST provided occupational health stakeholders with some 700 instruments (solvent sampling pumps, gas analyzers, sound level meters, etc.). Despite occupying only temporary premises, the Institute’s laboratory staff spent over 3 000 heures calibrating, performing maintenance on, and repairing these instruments, which are used in workplaces.


Alain Lajoie, coordonnateur soutien analytique, 1981 - 1984
Full Interview