IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

IRSST Publications

The IRSST publishes the results of its research work in reports, guides and various media adapted to the clienteles it serves in the scientific and workplace communities.

The IRSST’s scientists, including those whose work it funds, were busy pushing back the frontiers of knowledge. Their results were published in research reports, practice guides, laboratory methods, and technical fact sheets, among other formats.

Each project’s results contributed in their own way to enriching occupational health and safety (OHS) knowledge. While not all the results constituted spectacular breakthroughs, each piece of new knowledge helped move us forward. That is the very goal we are striving for: making this new knowledge widely available and properly equipping OHS experts and preventionists to make practical use of this evidence-based data.

The IRSST’s results are of the highest quality. Validated and evaluated, this new knowledge is ultimately intended to eliminate risks at the source. When this is impossible, the knowledge at least helps reduce the risks. The Institute’s scientists also ensure that knowledge serves to support the rehabilitation of workers who have sustained injuries or illnesses and their healthy, safe and sustainable return to work.


Books and book chapters
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Conferences and posters
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Dissertations and doctoral theses
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Guides and information sheets
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Laboratory methods
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Scientific journal articles
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Others publications
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