IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Master’s Scholarship and Master’s Scholarship Supplement

1. Aims of the Program

The aim of the Graduate Studies Scholarship and Postdoctoral Fellowship Program of the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST) is to increase the number of scientists available to meet occupational health and safety (OHS) research needs.

The Master’s category of research scholarship is intended for students at the master’s level wishing to acquire research training in the field of occupational health and safety. 

Bearing this in mind and given the limited number of scholarships available, interested persons may also submit applications to other granting agencies.

Seeking to complement the assistance offered by other granting agencies, this program provides financial support to individuals with particular aptitudes for graduate studies and research. 

2. Eligibility Requirements

  • 2.1 Conditions – To be eligible, applicants must meet each of the following conditions: 
    • 2.1.1 Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, eligible for the RAMQ plan
      • As of the closing date of the competition, they must have a valid medical card issued by the Régie d'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) or proof of eligibility for the RAMQ plan and have Canadian citizenship within the meaning of the Citizenship Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-29) or the status of permanent resident of Canada within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (S.C.  2001, c. 27).
        • OR the status of permanent resident of Canada within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (S.C. 2001, c. 27).
      • Foreign applicants
      • Conduct the master program, for which the grant is requested, in Quebec, under the direction or co-direction of an IRSST researcher;
        • AND Have been enrolled in a Quebec university for at least 2 full-time sessions (or equivalent) of the 3 sessions preceding the competition deadline;
        • OR have a valid Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) card on the competition deadline or proof of eligibility for the RAMQ covering the competition deadline.
    • 2.1.2 Be enrolled full-time (see point 3.2.5 for exceptions for part-time enrolment) by no later than January 15, 2026 in one of the following programs:
      • a master’s program leading to obtention of an M.Sc. degree;
      • a research-type master’s program (to qualify as a “research-type” program, the program must include a minimum of 18 credits dedicated to research and lead to the writing of a thesis);
      • a research-type PhD program (to qualify as a “research-type” program, the program must include a minimum of 36 credits dedicated to research and lead to the writing of a thesis):
        • Individuals admitted directly to a doctoral program after completing a bachelor’s degree or who are fast-tracked to a doctoral program must apply to the master’s scholarship program for the first two years of their graduate studies. They are eligible for the doctoral scholarship program only after completing their second year of graduate studies;
    • 2.1.3 Must have been enrolled full-time, as of April 30, 2025, for one year (three sessions) or less in a master’s program (see also point 3.1.1);
    • 2.1.4 Submit a proposal for a research project that is deemed relevant to the field of occupational health and safety:
    • 2.1.5 Have obtained a cumulative average of at least B+ or the equivalent in all undergraduate studies completed:
      • For applications submitted before completion of the undergraduate studies, the scholarship will be conditional upon obtention of a cumulative average of at least B+ or the equivalent.
    • 2.1.6 Submit the IRSST Scholarship Application Form, duly completed and signed, as well as all other documents required for the scholarship category concerned, by no later than the deadline set for receipt of applications.
  • 2.2 Restrictions
    • 2.2.1 Applicants who are on a sabbatical or a study leave and receiving a salary representing more than 50% of their base salary are not eligible. However, applicants receiving a deferred salary are not subject to this restriction.
    • 2.2.2 Applicants may not obtain a second IRSST scholarship for the same level of university studies.
  • 2.3 Training and research location
    • 2.3.1 The training and research must be completed at a university or recognized research centre.

3. Scholarship Eligibility Period and Duration

  • 3.1 Eligibility period
    • 3.1.1 The scholarship eligibility period refers to the period during which a person is eligible to receive scholarship payments. This period is two years long (six sessions) for a master’s scholarship.
      • The eligibility period is calculated from the time of the first enrolment in the master’s program;
      • Sessions completed on a part-time basis are factored into the calculation of the eligibility period according to the equivalences shown in the Equivalence awarded for part-time sessions table below.
      • Individuals having interrupted their master’s studies for parental leave or leave for serious illness or major family obligations will be able to defer the eligibility period by a maximum of one year.

Table 1 Equivalence attributed for part-time sessions
Number of part-time sessions Number of sessions factored into the calculation of the scholarship eligibility period
1 0
2 or 3 1
4 or 5 2
6 or 7 3
  • 3.2 Duration
    • 3.2.1 The duration of a master’s scholarship is either a maximum of two years (six consecutive sessions) or until completion of the master’s program (final submission of the thesis), whichever is shorter:
      • If the person obtains a new IRSST scholarship after the beginning of the study program, the eligibility period is reduced by the number of sessions already completed between the first enrolment in the master’s program and the time when the person receives the scholarship.
      • No new scholarship of less than one year will be awarded.
      • The period for using the scholarship begins between May 1 of the year in which it was awarded and January 15 of the following year.
      • Scholarships may not be transferred from one year to another.
    • 3.2.2 Deferral of payments due to parental leave
      • A scholarship holder is eligible for one parental leave for the entire period of eligibility for the bursary.
        • Parental leave cannot exceed 12 months, the equivalent of three sessions.
        • A scholarship holder may receive up to two bursary payments, equivalent to two sessions (8 months) during their leave.
        • If the university allows the scholarship holder to extend this leave for an additional period of four months, this parental leave from the IRSST will, however, be without pay.
        • The end of the scholarship-funding period is postponed according to the number of leave sessions accorded.
        • To be eligible for this benefit, a scholarship holder must not be enrolled in or enrolled in a program of study or gainful employment.
        • In the event that the recipient receives a grant supplement, IRSST parental leave with pay may not be granted to a scholarship holder who would receive a parental leave allowance from a federal or provincial granting agency.
        • Parental leave is authorized by the IRSST on the condition that the university allows parental leave and that the scholarship holder has informed the person directing his research.
        • Note that only one parental leave is granted per child. Parents are free to arrange parental leave at their convenience.
        • IRSST reserves the right to reject any request that is insufficiently justified.
        • IRSST parental leave can be combined with Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.
        • In order to receive parental leave, the scholarship holder must apply for it and provide a copy of the medical certificate attesting to the pregnancy and, at the appropriate time, the child’s birth or adoption certificate and proof of the suspension of university registration.
    • 3.2.3 Deferral of payments for reasons of serious illness or major family obligations
      • The IRSST permits the deferral of one or more payments if studies are interrupted for serious medical reasons or major family obligations, for as long as the university allows.
        • In this situation, the scholarship is always awarded for the maximum number of eligible sessions.
        • An official document attesting to the suspended enrolment, and, if need be, a medical certificate specifying the duration and reason for the suspension, must be provided.
        • The instalment(s) will then be deferred to the end of the funding period.
    • 3.2.4 Deferral of payments for the purpose of acquiring relevant experience
      • The IRSST may authorize the deferral of one scholarship payment (one session) for each complete year of funding awarded in order to allow the scholarship recipient to acquire relevant experience (work with a research team, teaching experience related to the field of study, language stay, etc.).
        • A maximum of two deferrals, whether consecutive or not, may be authorized during the program.
        • The deferral(s) must be approved by the research supervisor.
        • The payments will then be deferred to the end of the funding period.
    • 3.2.5 Exceptions for part-time enrolment
      • Part-time studies are allowed exceptionally for caregivers, parents, and persons with a disability:
        • A scholarship holder who is serving as the caregiver of a close family member or who is the main person providing care for a young child may exercise the option to enrol in part-time studies and receive partial payment of the scholarship (50%), provided that the university authorizes part-time enrolment and upon presentation of a medical certificate or other official document justifying the situation.
        • - A scholarship holder who is a person with a disability, within the meaning of the Act to secure handicapped persons in the exercise of their rights with a view to achieving social, school and workplace (R.S.C. c. E-20.1), may also exercise the option of enrolling part-time and receive full payment of the scholarship, provided that the university authorizes part-time enrolment.

4. Scholarship Amount and Procedures for Payment and Use

  • 4.1 Amount
    • 4.1.1 The amount of the master’s scholarship is $19,000 a year and of the master’s scholarship supplement, $5,000 a year.
  • 4.2 Payments
    • 4.2.1. The IRSST pays the instalments directly to the scholarship holder by direct deposit. The IRSST issues the corresponding income tax
      receipts in this instance. 

5. Concurrent Funding, Funding Supplements and Other Remuneration

  • 5.1 Concurrent funding and funding supplements
    • 5.1.1 IRSST scholarship recipients may not accept other funding awarded by the Government of Canada or the Government of Québec, or by a federal or provincial granting agency.
      • However, they may accept funding from one of the following agencies and receive an annual supplement of $5,000 from the IRSST for the duration of the funding, on condition that they continue to meet all the requirements and provide all the documents required of an IRSST scholarship holder:
        • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR);
        • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC);
        • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC);
        • Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS);
        • Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT);
        • Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC).
    • 5.1.2 Concurrent funding from the private sector (foundations, institutes, companies, universities, etc.) is allowed.
    • 5.1.3 Salary paid to scholarship holders to work exclusively on their research project is considered concurrent funding and is allowed, up to a maximum of $5,000 per year, at the master’s level.
  • 5.2 Other remuneration
    • 5.2.1 Subject to approval from their research supervisor and provided that the work does not interfere with their research activities, scholarship holders may teach one 45-hour course per session or may accept remunerated work that is relevant to their research field and does not exceed 225 hours per session. For purposes of this regulation, a 45-hour course load is considered equivalent to 150 hours of work.

6. Changes to or Termination of the Approved Program

  • 6.1 Changes
    • 6.1.1. Scholarship recipients may not change their study program and research project during the year, or change institution or research supervisor, without prior written authorization from the IRSST. The reasons for the change must be detailed in a request addressed to the person responsible for the IRSST’s scholarship program. The change request will be assessed by the IRSST, which may decide, if applicable, to reduce, suspend, or terminate the instalment payments.
  • 6.2 Termination
    • 6.2.1. For scholarship holders who relinquish their scholarship or terminate their university program during the scholarship validity period, the amount of the scholarship is reduced proportionally. They must inform the IRSST as soon as the date of termination is established and must reimburse any overpayments received.

7. Scholarship Renewal

  • 7.1 Annual renewal
    • 7.1.1 To continue receiving their scholarship beyond the first year of funding for the sessions for which they are eligible, scholarship holders must submit a duly completed application for renewal each year. The scholarship is renewed if:
      • the scholarship holder has submitted an application for renewal in accordance with the established procedures;
      • the scholarship holder has demonstrated satisfactory progress, according to the IRSST’s assessment, in both his study program and research project;
      • his research project demonstrates continuity (any changes made to the originally planned schedule must be soundly justified).

8. Documents Required*

  • 8.1 For a new application
    • 8.1.1 Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, eligible for the RAMQ plan
      • Proof of Canadian citizenship (birth certificate or certificate of citizenship) or of permanent resident status in Canada (permanent resident card) and a photocopy of a valid Québec health insurance card (a card with an expiry date pre-dating the competition deadline is not valid) or any official document confirming the status of Québec resident within the meaning of the Act respecting the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (C.Q.L.R. c.R-5);
      • Foreign applicants
        Proof of citizenship (identification page of a valid passport or another official document) and proof of enrolment at a Québec university for at least two full-time sessions (or the equivalent) from among the three sessions preceding the competition end date OR have a valid Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) card on the competition deadline or proof of eligibility for the RAMQ covering the competition deadline.
    • 8.1.2 The Scholarship Application Form duly completed and signed by the applicant on the web portal;
    • 8.1.3 The form for calculating the eligibility period, duly completed on the web portal;
    • 8.1.4 Copies of the official transcripts for all years of university study, whether completed or not:
      • the transcripts must be complete and include all grading scales (back of the transcript), for both Québec applicants and foreign applicants. Unofficial electronic versions of transcripts are not accepted;
      • the document explaining the grading system in effect at the institution concerned, for transcripts obtained outside North America;
      • the transcript for a study program currently under way must be the most recent one;  if no transcript is issued by the institution where the studies were done, an explanatory letter must be included with the application;
    • 8.1.5 The evaluation forms from two scientists other than the research supervisor (or co-supervisor), who participated in the applicant’s training (by completing the form designed for this purpose);
    • 8.1.6 A letter of recommendation (a maximum of two pages) written by the research supervisor. The supervisor must provide his overall assessment of the applicant and the proposed research project; specify how the project fits in with his own work, if applicable; specify the supervision he intends to offer the applicant; describe and justify the research environment;
    • 8.1.7 For the research supervisor, and, as the case may be, the co-supervisor, the personal CV (or Canadian Common CV). The CV should contain the following information: training, areas of expertise, academic affiliation, number of publications, selection of the 5 most relevant publications in relation to the candidate’s research project. Each resume must be limited to a maximum of 3 pages.
  • 8.2 For an application for renewal
    • 8.2.1 The Renewal Application Form duly completed and signed by the applicant and his research supervisor on the web portail;
    • 8.2.2 A copy of the official university transcript for the program currently under way.

* The IRSST reserves the right to perform verifications regarding the documents submitted. For example, it may demand to see the original documents or papers to confirm their authenticity or to receive a certified copy of the originals. The IRSST may also contact the authorities that issued the documents. If the applicant fails to cooperate promptly in any request for verification, his application may be deemed ineligible.

9. Presentation and Submission of Applications

  • 9.1 Presentation of applications
    • 9.1.1 The application file must include the IRSST’s Scholarship Application Form, duly completed and signed, along with the required documents, which are specified for each scholarship/fellowship category:
      • No incomplete file is forwarded to the evaluation committee.
      • All documents contained in the file that are written in a language other than French or English must be accompanied by a certified translation of the originals.
      • No documents other than those required are forwarded to the reviewers.
      • The applicant is responsible for his file:
        • he is responsible for knowing the different scholarship/fellowship categories and their requirements;
        • he must ensure that all the required information and documents are submitted to the IRSST by no later than the competition deadline.
    9.2 Submission of applications
    • 9.2.1 The deadline for submitting applications to the IRSST is 4 p.m. on the third Wednesday of October.
    • 9.2.2 The documents must be sent in PDF format on the web portal, according to the IRSST PDF presentation criteria.
    • 9.2.3 An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent for each application. If you do not receive any, please notify us at 514-288-1551, ext. 291.

10. Processing of Applications

  • 10.1 Assessment of administrative eligibility
    • 10.1.1 IRSST personnel assess the administrative eligibility of the applications and reject those found to be ineligible.
    10.2 Decision regarding the relevance and priority nature of the applications
    • 10.2.1 The IRSST’s Scientific Advisory Board issues an opinion on the relevance and priority nature of the applications. The President and Chief Executive Officer then renders a decision and retains only those files deemed relevant and priority for evaluation.
    10.3 Evaluation of the scientific merit of the files by a multi-disciplinary committee made up of specialists from the disciplines concerned
    • 10.3.1 The following criteria will be judged during the evaluation of the scientific merit of a new application:
      • Applicant’s performance:
        • Academic record and its progression: university grades, relevance of courses taken and progression in studies, scholarships, awards and distinctions earned;
        • Research abilities: publications and other research activities, overall scientific competence and ability to pursue a career in research, relevant work experience and achievements;
        • Weighting (master’s): 10/20.
      • Scientific merit of the project:
        • Originality, clarity of objectives, methodology and impact on the research field;
        • Weighting (master’s): 6/20.
      • Quality and relevance of the research environment:
        • Quality of supervision, calibre of researchers and productivity of the environment, relevance to the subject under study, and occupational health and safety expertise;
        • Weighting (master’s): 4/20.
    • 10.3.2 An applicant must obtain a minimum score of 15/20 to be recommended for a scholarship.
    10.4 Recommendation and awarding of scholarships
    • 10.4.1 Based on the recommendations of the evaluation committee, the Scientific Advisory Board submits its assessment to the IRSST’s President and Chief Executive Officer.
    • 10.4.2 The President and Chief Executive Officer then submits a recommendation to the Board of Directors, which renders the final decision.
    10.5 Notification of decision
    • 10.5.1 The IRSST’s decision is sent by email to each applicant in April, to the address indicated on his application form.
    10.6 Appeal
    • 10.6.1 The decision may not be appealed. Therefore, there is no appeal procedure.
    10.7 Integrity of the evaluation process
    • 10.7.1 The scientific evaluation of the applications is carried out independently of the final approval process, which is the Board of Directors’ responsibility.
    • 10.7.2 Applicants and research supervisors must not contact the chair or members of the evaluation committee at any time.
    • 10.7.3 The IRSST reserves the right to withdraw any applications from the competition that are the subject of canvassing or interference in the evaluation process.
    10.8 Inquiries concerning the evaluation
    • 10.8.1 Inquiries concerning the evaluation of scholarship applications must be submitted in writing to the person responsible for the scholarship program, who undertakes to respond to them as quickly as possible.
    10.9 Acceptance of the scholarship
    • 10.9.1 Successful applicants must inform the IRSST of their acceptance or refusal of the scholarship within 30 days of the date on which the IRSST’s decision was transmitted.
    • 10.9.2 Foreign applicants will also have to provide a certified true copy of a work permit issued by Canadian consular services for the duration of their stay in Québec.
    • 10.9.3 Any applicant who fails to comply with these requirements within the prescribed time limits is considered to have refused the scholarship offered.
    • 10.9.4 The IRSST may publish the list of scholarship recipients on its Web site and in any publication (hard copy or electronic), and may make it public in any other manner that the Institute deems appropriate.
    • 10.9.5 By accepting the scholarship, the applicant undertakes to comply with the general regulations governing the program and all the applicable conditions and requirements. Applicants who fail to comply with these rules and regulations will have their scholarships cancelled.

11. Final Report and Publications

  • 11.1 Final report
    • 11.1.1 All IRSST scholarship holders must submit a final report on their work within six months of receiving their last scholarship payment, using the IRSST template designed for this purpose.
    11.2 Publications
    • 11.2.1 All IRSST scholarship holders are obliged to acknowledge the assistance received from the IRSST in any publication or communication resulting from the funded work.

12. Declaration and Research Ethics

  • 12.1 Declaration
    • 12.1.1 Any person who, for the purpose of obtaining a scholarship, knowingly makes a false declaration, will have his application rejected, and, as the case may be, will have to reimburse the IRSST any amounts that have been paid to him. Moreover, the person may not apply for another IRSST scholarship for a period of three years.
    12.2 Research ethics and scientific integrity
    • 12.2.1 The holder of an IRSST scholarship and his research supervisor must ensure that the proposed research project complies with the ethical standards generally applicable to professional research activities.

13. Responsibilities of the IRSST

  • 13.1 The IRSST has no other obligation or responsibility than that of paying the scholarships when all the conditions are met, subject to funding availability.
  • 13.2 The IRSST is under no obligation to accept a predetermined number of applications or to set in advance the number of scholarships to be attributed in each category of program. The IRSST reserves the right to set quotas by occupational health and safety research field.
  • 13.3 The IRSST may not be held liable for any damages whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from the establishment or administration of the Graduate Studies Scholarship and Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, including, notably, damages arising directly or indirectly from the processing, absence of processing, acceptance or refusal of a scholarship/fellowship application, or from any publication pertaining to the scholarships/fellowships and the scholarship/fellowship program.
  • 13.4 An English version has been provided solely to help Anglophone readers better understand the applicable regulations. In the event of a discrepancy between the English and French versions of the regulations, the French version shall prevail.

The masculine form is used in this text solely in the interests of readability, with no gender discrimination intended.

Forms and Guide

Please note that scholarship applications for the 2025-2026 competition must be submitted through the web portal which will be available as of August 5, 2024.


2025-2026 Competition

Submission deadline : October 16, 2024
Results announcement : April 2025

Contact us

Karla Ramirez
514 288-1551, ext. 291
[email protected]