IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Research Ethics Committee

The IRSST’s Ethics Policy on Research Involving Humans (in french only) is one of the tools the Institute and its staff have at their disposal to help them appropriately address the various dilemmas and concerns associated with research involving human subjects.

The Institute’s Research Ethics Committee (REC) supports this process, which is fundamentally based on respect for human dignity. The IRSST’s REC has a mandate to assess the ethical validity of research projects requiring the involvement of human subjects conducted by IRSST researchers or by research collaborators who do not have access to such a committee. The projects carried out by external researchers are submitted to the REC in their institution.

For any request:

Composition of the committee


  • Sabrina Gravel, Researcher in Chemical and Biological Hazard Prevention

Committee Coordinator

  • Maryse Dion Tremblay, Research Management Professional at the Research Funds and Partnerships Division at the IRSST


  • Damien Burlet-Vienney (vice-president), Researcher in the Mechanical and Physical Risk Prevention Research Field at the IRSST
  • Myriam Cossette-Voyer, Lawyer
  • Jessica Dubé, Researcher in Occupational Safety and Health Management and Sustainable Prevention Work Environment (IRSST)
  • Iuliana Nastasia, Researcher in Occupational Rehabilitation Field at the IRSST
  • Mariana Nunez, Member with Competence in Ethic
  • Marie-Hélène Poirier, Knowledge Mobilization Advisor at the IRSST
  • Valérie Trottier, Research Management Professional at the Centre de recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec (CRCHUQ) – Université Laval