IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Scientific Watch

The IRSST’s Documentation Centre, in cooperation with various professionals and researchers, systematically monitors occupational health and safety (OHS) topics.

The goal of disseminating the results of this scientific watch activity is to support work and decision-making while providing access to new information for those working in the field of OHS.

Please note that the bulletins are produced in French.

Available Bulletins

  • Maladies virales transmissibles par aérosols (Aerosol-borne viral diseases) New
    The bulletin lists scientific publications on aerosol transmission, prevention and protection measures, and tools for monitoring infections in the workplace.
  • Réadaptation, retour et maintien au travail (Rehabilitation, return to work and job retention)  
    This bulletin lists publications dealing with disability, compensation for occupational injuries and diseases, therapeutic treatments and return-to-work measures.
  • Recherche en SST (OHS research) 
    Monitoring of OHS research organizations provides an opportunity to identify funded project announcements, policy documents, and various publications resulting from research.
  • Santé mentale et psychologique au travail (Psychological health in the workplace)
    This bulletin lists scientific publications as well as research reports and prevention documents dealing with current mental disorders related to work.


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