IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

1990: Ten years of research for the world of work

A new president

Jean Yves Savoie took up the post of president of the IRSST, following in the footsteps of Louis Berlinguet. The new president hoped to concentrate on strengthening ties between research and the world of work.

Conferences and awards


Jean Yves Savoie, directeur scientifique, 1985 – 1990
Full Interview

Co-chaired by the IRSST and the International Labour Organization (ILO), the 23rd International Congress on Occupational Medicine opened in Montréal. Six hundred papers were delivered and presentations made before 2,300 participants from 75 countries, all gathered together under the theme Parlons solutions (Let’s talk solutions).

To highlight its 10th anniversary, the IRSST created the Prix de la recherche n santé et en sécurité du travail (occupational health and safety research prize), which it handed to Dr. Jules Brodeur, a professor at Université de Montréal and a pioneer in the field of industrial toxicology in Québec.

Shown here (from left to right): Robert Diamant, Louis Berlinguet and Jules Brodeur.

New research theme

The IRSST adopted a new research theme: musculoskeletal injuries related to mouvements répétitifs, which, it was estimated, could represent some 50% of all compensated injuries within the next ten years. Four projects were launched under this theme: a literature review; the effects of repetitive movements in pig slaughterhouses; the effects in abattoirs de poulets and accidents in carpet factories.

René Lévesque

Jean Yves Savoie, directeur scientifique, 1985 - 1990
Full Interview

News from the laboratatories

The AIHA renewed the IRSST’S accréditation as an industrial hygiene laboratory for four years for its analyses of silica, asbestos, metals and solvents. Other accreditations were earned over the years. See toutes les certifications held by the laboratories.

The methods for identifying and counting fibres, ntroduced by the IRSST, were officially adopted in Québec. These methods eventually led to the establishment of two fibre-count programs: CQ Fibres and CQ Vrac.

Alain Lajoie

Alain Lajoie, directeur des services et expertises de laboratoire, 1985 - 1995
Full Interview