IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Kinematic analysis of the knee of walking workers exposed to an overload : a pilot study


Knee osteoarthritis can cause chronic functional or occupational disabilities. A high prevalence of knee osteoarthritis is reported in workers in jobs subjecting the knees to mechanical overload. In this pilot study, the ambulation of workers exposed to tasks subjecting the knees to an overload was compared to that of workers not exposed to such an overload. The authors wanted to determine whether exposure to an overload can result in changes in the movements of the knee bones (femur and tibia) which could make these individuals vulnerable to osteoarthritis. Twenty-four workers who perform a job with an overload on the knees participated in the study. The control group consisted of 10 workers doing a job without an overload.

In fact, the results show that the individuals exposed to an overload on the knees were more active at work than those who are not. In addition, in walking, they bend their bearing knee more at the start of the cycle. This study made it possible to collect preliminary data for a broader study addressing the role of biomechanical factors in the evolution of osteoarthritis and work disability.

This project was carried out within the framework of the REPAR-IRSST joint research grant program in occupational rehabilitation and re-employment.

Additional Information

Category: Research Report
  • Nathaly Gaudreault
  • Jacques A. de Guise
  • Nicola Hagemeister
  • Stéphane Poitras
Research Project: 0099-7750
Research Field: Occupational Rehabilitation
Online since: August 23, 2011
Format: Text