IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Impact of Summer Temperatures on Workers’ Health and Safety

Is there a statistical relationship between outdoor temperature and the incidence of illness or accidents among workers? France Labrèche, researcher with the IRSST, is presenting a new report on “Summer Temperatures, Ozone Concentrations and Occupational Injuries Accepted for Compensation in Quebec”.

Additional Information

Category: Video Summary
On screen: Produced by:
  • Maura Tomi - Screenplay and Directed
  • Philippe Lemay - Filming and Editing
Research Project: 2011-0047
Research Field: Special Projects
Publication no.: CS-012
Language: English
Online since: February 20, 2017
Recorded date: February 17, 2017
Format: Video
Duration: 3:14