IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Preventing interpersonnal violence in the workplace

A study funded by the IRSST has demonstrated that violence in a workplace could be prevented, while having a positive impact on the workers’ health, by implementing a labour/management participatory prevention process.

Resulting from the knowledge from this study is a new Web site, developed by the IRSST and the RIPOST research team helps companies implement such a process in their work environment. This site proposes a five-step process (employers-employees). Besides providing awareness-raising arguments regarding violence, the site offers several concrete examples and turnkey tools that are easily downloadable and applicable in companies.

Additional Information

Category: Intervention tool
Research Project: 0099-4420
Knowledge Transfer Activity: 2012-0033, 2011-0004
Publication no.: OUT-001
Language: French, english
Online since: April 24, 2013
Format: Application / Website