IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Development of a scaling tool for unstable rock formations in underground mines


Scaling is an important operation in mining, and consists of sounding the walls of an underground mine tunnel with a steel rod to detect, and where necessary detach, unstable rocks which may cause accidents.

This arduous task is performed manually in most small mines, and is itself the cause of accidents. There has therefore been some interest in developing a portable and mechanized scaling tool which would eliminate the need for manual scaling. This project will develop such a tool. Research will proceed in four phases: analysis of current operating conditions and establishment of tool specifications; prototype design; production; trials in an experimental mine and in selected operational mines.

This tool will reduce the physical effort needed to perform manual scaling, thereby reducing the risk of accidents and improving the quality of scaling.

Additional Information

Type: Project
Number: 0092-0560
Status: Completed
  • Claude Bourgoin (Université Laval)
  • Stefan Planéta (Université Laval)