Direct participation of workers in accident prevention - Phase 2: Organizational and psycho-social processes favouring certain accident-prevention behaviours among workers Abstract This research project was undertaken to identify the organisational, psychological and social factors favouring workers' participation in complying with laws and regulations and improving health and safety, and their support for health and safety committees. Interviews were conducted of and questionnaires completed by 1,375 managers, supervisors, union representatives and workers in 9 companies of various sizes in various industrial sectors. The results indicate that variations in worker participation are due to factors related to both the nature of work (hazardousness, complexity, autonomy) and the climate in which it is performed (hierarchy, relationship with colleagues). Several approaches to stimulating worker participation in health and safety activities were proposed. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports Worker participation in occupational accident prevention : form, effectiveness, and determinants Research Report: R-154Organisational and psychosocial factors favouring the participation of workers in health and safety acticities Research Report: R-211 Simplified Articles Comment s'organise la participation directe des travailleurs à leur propre sécurité Volume 13, n0 2 Scientific Publications Workers’safety behavior: From a unidimensional to a bidimensional concept and measurementMarchand A., Simard M., Carpentier-Roy M.-C., Ouellet F.Source : Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, vol. 24, no 4, 1998, p. 293-299Culture et gestion en santé et sécurité au travailoSimard M.Source : in Encyclopédie de sécurité et de santé au travail, Stellman, J.M. (éd.), Genève, Bureau international du travail, 2000, p. 59.4-59.8Participation des travailleurs à la sécurité du travail et taux d'accidentsSimard M.Source : 8e Congrès international de psychologie du travail de langue française (8e : Septembre, 1994 : Neuchatel, Suisse), 1994, p. 452-464Facteurs favorisant les comportements de conformité aux règles de sécurité chez les travailleursSimard M.Source : 11e Congrès de l’Association internationale de psychologie du travail de langue française (11e : 28-31 août, 2000 : Rouen, France), 2000From a unidimensional to a bidimensional concept and measurement of worker’s safety behaviorMarchand A., Simard M., Carpentier-Roy M.-C., Ouellet F.Source : Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, vol. 24, no 4, p. 293-299Characteristics of successful safety management strategiesSimard M.Source : in Seppälä, P. et al. (eds), From experience to innovation, Vol.3. Occupational safety. Helsinki, FIOH Press, 1997, p. 288-290 Workgroups' propensity to comply with safety rules: The influence of macro-micro organisational factorsSimard M., Marchand A.Source : Ergonomics, vol.40, no 2, 1997 , p. 172-188Participation des travailleurs à la sécurité et taux d'accidents du travailSimard M., Marchand A.Source : Psychologie du travail et des organisations, vol. 2, no 4, p. 34-44Les facteurs influencant l'appui des travailleurs aux comités de santé-sécurité du travailMarchand A., Simard M.Source : Recherches sociographiques, vol. 37, no 2, p. 229-246A multilevel analysis of organisational factors related to safety initiatives behaviourSimard M., Marchand A.Source : Safety Science, vol. 18, no 3, p. 534-551A systemic approach for developing participative management of safety at the shopfloor levelSimard M.Source : in From medical-technical problem-solving to a Process of participative management : Proceedings of the International research workshop on Understanding the Work environment (May 21-24, 1995 : Stockholm, Sweden), 1995, p. 333-345 Additional Information Type: Project Number: 0092-1200 Status: Completed Year of completion: 1995 Research Field: OSH and Sustainable Prevention Work Environment Team: Marcel Simard (Université de Montréal)Marie-Claire Carpentier-Roy (Université de Montréal)Jean-François Chanlat (HEC Montréal)Paul Lanoie (HEC Montréal)Louis Patry (Centre Hopitalier Universitaire Laval)