IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Prevention of physiologic maladaptation to night-shift work by phototherapy


Even after many years, most night-shift workers are unable to adapt to an inverted sleep-wake schedule. Maladaptation to night-shift work may lead to harmful consequences: loss of vigilance and increased accident risks, sleep deprivation, health problems, absenteeism, etc. Finding practical solutions to maintain the health and quality of life of these workers became a priority. Using the method of intervention involving phototherapy proposed in the context of this research, the internal biological clock of the workers who participated in the study could be adjusted to their night-shift schedule. The report scientifically assesses the results obtained, and presents practical recommendations for night-shift workers to improve their health and reduce the malaise resulting from such work schedules. The authors believe that the collected data also show promise for delaying the medical complications associated with night-shift work.

Additional Information

Type: Project
Number: 0096-0340
Status: Completed
Year of completion: 2002
Research Field: Special Projects
  • Charles A. Czeisler (Brigham and Women's Hospital)
  • Diane B. Boivin (Institut universitaire en santé mentale, Centre de recherche Hôpital Douglas)
  • Emery N. Brown (University of Harvard)
  • Richard E. Kronauer (University of Harvard)
  • François Ng (Institut universitaire en santé mentale, Centre de recherche Hôpital Douglas)