IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail


MSDs – Promoting the Application of Prevention Practices in Hospitals

MSDs – Promoting the Application of Prevention Practices in Hospitals

Many studies have pointed out that nursing staff members’ risks of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) could be avoided if they applied the recommended prevention practices. In fact, though, implementing these practices is a complex matter.

A study financed by the IRSST has highlighted the barriers that nursing staff encounter. These are related more to knowledge application than knowledge appropriation, suggesting that the constraints are mainly a function of the workplace. An article on this topic was published in Prévention au travail magazine.

Further to this research, an awareness-raising document has just been published to stimulate reflection, make the staff members in question aware of strategies fostering the application of prevention practices to counteract MSDs, and suggest ways to support their implementation. It is intended for everyone concerned with preventing MSDs in nursing staff, and particularly for managers and prevention and training officers in the health care system.


The researcher responsible for the study explains that the document takes the form of fact sheets and is organized around six major factors that influence the application of MSD prevention practices. The fact sheets can be used to plan prevention activities or training.