IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail


Mining Companies: Tools for the safe integration of new workers

Mining Companies: Tools for the safe integration of new workers

Did you know that during their first few months on the job, new workers are at much greater risk of sustaining a compensated time-loss injury than experienced workers? By virtue of its activities, the Québec mining industry faces its own particular challenges when it comes to the safe integration of new workers.

Inspired by the IRSST-funded research titled Conditions for a safe and competent integration of new workers into the mining sector, researchers developed two tools specifically to help mining companies reflect on the new worker integration process. Thanks to these two tools – a Self-Diagnostic Tool and an Example of a Worker Integration Process – mining companies will be able to identify their current practices and conditions that facilitate new worker integration, as well as to identify action priorities to ensure continuous improvement