IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Evaluation of the effectiveness of preventive measures during sand blasting


Many of the 30 to 40 new cases of silicosis diagnosed in Quebec each year occur among workers performing abrasive blasting with siliceous and non-siliceous abrasives. An industrial hygiene project described preventive measures related to abrasive blasting and compared their real-world effectiveness. The concentration of dusts, quartz and several metals were measured before and after the application of preventive measures. The results revealed that the measures are sometimes applied inappropriately, which allows concentrations to exceed permissible exposure limits. Several approaches to correcting this situation are proposed.

Additional Information

Type: Project
Number: 0093-0060
Status: Completed
  • Chantal Dion (IRSST)
  • Nicole Goyer (IRSST)
  • Guy Perrault (IRSST)