Before creating an account or downloading files for the first time, it’s a good idea to take this brief guided tour.
The aim of this tool is to prevent accidents in confined spaces by helping companies follow section XXVI of the Regulation Respecting Occupational Health and Safety (ROHS) and section 3.21.1 of the Safety Code for the Construction Industry (SCCI). This tool has no legal or regulatory value. In this regard, please refer to the
The tool applies to all industries, including construction.
The approach proposed here takes into account the complexity of confined space work. It is intended for qualified people (section 297 of the ROHS) who are knowledgeable about this type of work and risk management. We strongly suggest that workers
qualified for confined space work and anyone else with information useful in documenting risks be involved in the process.
This analysis is not to be done just prior to entry into a confined space because it takes time. The tool does not totally eliminate the subjectivity inherent in this type of analysis (for example, risk estimation). It provides support for cases where it is not possible to quantify data.
You should periodically review the information in your files. We also suggest you save all completed forms, as PDF files, on your own computer system.
Before creating an account, please take the guided tour of CLOSE. We also recommend that you read the Terms of Use of the IRSST Web site.
We recommend creating a user profile if you would like to save your results and carry out a thorough risk analysis with respect to your confined spaces.
Only users who have created accounts will have access to the My Files tab, from which they will be able to manage all the confined spaces they create and the work tasks they add. It will then be easy for them to review the various modules, update them and print the results in PDF format.
Log in to create a user profile.
Terms of use
This Web site belongs to the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST). Access to and use of the CLOSE site are subject to the same
Terms of use as the IRSST Web site.
Before creating an account, please read the Warning connected to the specific use of this site.
Privacy policy
When you access the CLOSE site, the IRSST obtains some information about you. You’ll find a description of this information and how the IRSST uses it below.
Personal information collected by the IRSST
The only information you provide when you create an account that the IRSST may use is your e-mail address, in order to send you a new password, if needed. The form clearly indicates which information is mandatory and which is optional. You can update the personal information in your user profile at any time.
No personal information collected through this Web site will be transmitted or sold to a third party.
The data gathered is stored on servers located in Canada.
Data specific to the various modules
All the data entered in the various modules is confidential.
E-mail communication
The IRSST uses electronic communication (e-mail) to inform users of upgrades or updates to the tool that may affect their use of it.
To get any other information, you have to check the appropriate box on the Create an Account page. Then you can change your preferences in your profile.
Use of cookies
This Web site makes a limited use of cookies to enhance the user experience.
Two types of cookies are used on the site: session cookies, or temporary cookies, are stored just for the current browsing session and are deleted when you leave the site. Persistent cookies are stored in your browser’s Cookies folder until they expire. This is done anonymously and aggregated. (The cookies do not contain any personal data.)
The IRSST has implemented measures to protect your personal information against loss, improper use, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. We use secure servers with continuous monitoring, a firewall, access restrictions and encryption to protect your data. We also protect your information by requiring all our employees and anyone else who has access to, or processes your data to keep it confidential.
User name and password
We use security methods to determine the identity of users registered for this Web site in order to ensure that each user’s rights and restrictions are respected. We authenticate your identity by using both your password and user name. It is your responsibility to keep your password and protect it.
Log out
When your browser remains open and accessible, an unauthorized user could perform malicious activities under your name.
It is strongly recommended that you close the session whenever you leave your workstation unattended.
Disclaimer and exclusion of liability
The IRSST Web site and all its content items are provided on an “as-is” basis without warranties of any kind. The IRSST makes no representations or warranties whatsoever, whether express or implied, as to quality, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. Furthermore, the Institute offers no guarantee as to the accuracy, reliability, exhaustiveness or appropriateness of the content, publications, services, computer programs, graphics, various tools or hyperlinks on this Web site.
The IRSST shall not be held liable for any bodily injury, psychological harm or material damage (including, without limitation, any direct or indirect damage, punitive damages or any harm that may or may not be an immediate and direct consequence of the alleged fault, lost revenue or profits, or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption) arising out of the use of information, methods or tools provided by the IRSST through this site or out of the user’s inability to use this site and its content, regardless of whether such damage is related to a legal or conventional warranty, to the IRSST’s contractual or extra-contractual liability, or to any other legal provision, and regardless of whether the IRSST has been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
This disclaimer of liability is not intended to contravene applicable provisions of Canadian legislation, whether federal, provincial or territorial.
Other questions
If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our handling of confidential information, please contact us.
In order to make sure that it continues to comply with industry standards, technologies and applicable laws, the IRSST reserves the right to change its terms of use and privacy policy without notice to users of this Web site.