IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Estimation of the number of occupational cancers

Painting a reliable picture of occupational cancers is a very arduous task, largely because of the latency period between exposure to the causal agent and diagnosis of the disease. The latency period can run anywhere from 10 to 50 years. This conference presents a study which quantified the number of cancers that could be attributable to work for around 20 of the most prevalent and most frequently work-related injury sites or types of cancer. Moreover, the researcher describes a process for identifying the carcinogens present in work environments, assessing the risks, and implementing appropriate prevention measures.

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Additional Information

Category: Conference
On screen: Produced by:
  • Simon Désilets - Filming
  • Philippe Lemay - Editing
Research Project: 2010-0007
Publication no.: CF-130
Language: French
Online since: August 08, 2014
Recorded date: April 08, 2014
Format: Video
Duration: 38:58