IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Fact Sheet - Carcinogens in workplaces


Cancer is the primary cause of death in Québec and in the majority of industrialized countries. Carcinogenesis is a complex process, and researchers estimate that from 2 to 8% of cancers are work-related, depending on the country and cancer considered. In order to be able to prioritize research needs, it is necessary to have a status report in terms of Québec workers’ level of exposure to carcinogenic substances and the number of occupational cancers

This study will document the second aspect of the situation by estimating the number of cancers that could be work-related in Quebecers. Estimates will be produced for some twenty types of cancers using data published mainly by British and Finnish researchers.

Additional Information

Category: Research Summary
Knowledge Transfer Activity: 2012-0037
Online since: November 06, 2013
Format: Text