IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Pilot project for the development of a «sentinel» process for going from an individual approach in rehabilitation to an organizational approach in preventing mental health problems in the workplace


Mental health problems in the workplace are one of the most important causes of work absences. In recent years, several studies have revealed that the majority of workers who were absent due to mental health problems mentioned the difficulties experienced in the context of their work in order to account for the deterioration in their state of health. It is therefore important to orient return-to-work practices towards modification of the psychosocial factors that adversely affect workers’ mental health.

The aim of this project is to determine the organizational interventions on the psychosocial factors that could promote the return to work and job retention of workers who have been absent due to a mental health problem. Also, the project will analyze the aspects that promote or hinder the implementation of the organizational interventions. Its realization will make it possible to go from an individual rehabilitation approach to an organizational prevention approach.

Additional Information

Type: Project
Number: 0099-8750
Status: Completed
Year of completion: 2013
Research Field: Occupational Rehabilitation
  • Louise St-Arnaud (Université Laval)
  • Michel Vézina (Université Laval)
  • Catherine Briand (Université de Montréal)
  • Pascal Paillé (Université Laval)
  • Mariève Pelletier (Université Laval)